CK - DragonMaster
Reign 60
CK DragonMaster
Reign 60
Hosted by CK Regent Eva Destruction, this years DragonMaster will be held on August 1st, 2020. Due to COVID, this will be an ONLINE competition!
The theme is using some main ideas from the princess bride. Pirates, True Love, Insanity, and Knowledge. (Does not provide bonus points)
Min and max for the title is 5 items. Focus on quality not quantity. We will use the .5 scale to score and average all 5 entries.
Each Item needs to be in a different category.
Most categories are available and please submit any stories ahead of time to me. If you need a list of the categories, they are in the corpora. The ones not available would be food and drinks. Weapons will need to be court weapons due to not being able to check them first.