WAR AT MidReign
War at Midreign will be a memorable event to get you and your friends back into the swing of things as the first full Celestial Kingdom weekend event since the the pandemic. A beautiful island surrounded by the Guadalupe river centrally located within the kingdom is where we are gathering. There is ample space to spread out under the shade of mature pecan and oak trees on a well maintained grass for a comfortable camping weekend.
Join us in Seguin, Texas at Nolte Island for a weekend full of battle games, crafting workshops, tournaments, feast, bardic, and more. It’s time for WAM !!
Crat Team
War Crat
Viscount Sir Deathlilly Sunshine
A&S Crat
Lady Hopper
Feast Crat
Lady Kith, The Dew
Water Crat
Lady Catrysa Trakand
Gate Crat
Duchess Lirael McKrotch
Trash Crat
Auto Crat
Grand Duke Fog
Battle Games
Multiple battle games throughout the weekend specifically designed to be fun and shaded to account for the heat.
Round Robin Tournament
Jump in on the 3 category Round Robin tournament Saturday night to show your skill and win prizes.
Four Horsemen Tournament
Friday night 4 man militia teams. Defeat your foes and claim your prize and glory.
Assassin's Tournament
Visit the bounty board at the concessions stand and turn in your kills for fame and prizes. Starts Friday noon and ends 9pm Saturday.
Archery Tournament
Utilize your archery skills on our open course. Practice, get scored, and compete for a chance to win a Turkish Horse Bow! (Equipment available to borrow to compete)
Arts & Sciences WORKSHOPS
Work on a project with local master Sir Diego and his skilled squire Prince Regent Lord Torq. Materials are supplied, don't miss this opportunity!
Raise the banners! Take advantage of this two session workshop to create a banner you get to keep. Supplies are provided, join in either or both sessions to complete your project.
Join this fundamentals of beading workshop with Ser Ellistrae as she introduces you to beading with the peyote stitch, brick stitch, and right-angle weaving. Limited number of kits, reserve yours by purchasing it online above. (Kits $15) Come watch even if you miss out on a kit!
Come to the Bardic Friday and Saturday night at the center of the site. Sing, dance, and have fun through the night with friends.
Special Events

Knighting of Krix Mercades
Saturday afternoon get to the battle field to bear witness to the elevation of Master Smith Krix Mercades to the Knight of the Flame peerage.
Knighting of Hopper
Friday evening Lady Hopper, our talented Master Garber, will be elevated to Knight of the Serpent.

Full Class Court
King Dizzy Vertigo has declared that his court shall be full class, one life scenario much like courts in the "Early days". More information will be posted regarding limitations.
Activity Details
WAM Grand Champion Tournament
The grand tournament encompases every aspect of WAM, where participants compete as a company, household, or group in War Skill, A&S, or Service to earn points to determine the Grand Champion. Signups are at the Gate and the Concession Stand. A running point board will be on display at the Concession Stand near the Main Pavilion.
1st. Signup
Register your company, household, or group early by sending a message to:
Autocrat “Grand Duke Fog” on Facebook or email autocrat@amtgardck.org
At the event you may register at the Gate or Concessions Stand.
2nd. Participate
Join in the following activities and be sure you indicate your group when asked by the organizer of the activity. Points are awarded per person to their registered affiliation.
Points awarded for participation
Bonus points awarded for placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd
Points awarded for participation
Bonus points for Best Craft created
Battle Games
Points awarded for participation
Bonus points awarded for winning team
Points awarded for service completed
3rd. Win or have fun!
At the end of Feast/Court the current placements will be announced. A final tally will be done after the Saturday Night Round Robin Tournament. Winner will be announced at 9pm Saturday night at the Main Pavilion and awarded a trophy befitting their efforts.
Gather your team of four and battle for glory and the "Dragon Cup" trophy. See the following link for tournament rules and details:
A three category Round Robin style tournament.
Sword & Board, Open, Single
Signup available at Gate and Concessions during the tournament. Free to enter.
3 life assassin scenario that runs over two days.
Persons will be asked when paying gate if they would like to participate as an assassin or a mark. Assassins will be issued 3x life tokens an assassin’s license card. Marks will fill out a short information card x2 “Title, Name, company/house” and be given a bounty based on title along with a numbered ribbon to wear.
It will be possible for someone to raise the bounty on a person by donating money to do so at the Gate or the Concessions & Treachery stand. Several random drawings will also raise some bounties for added fun.
Marks have a two life scenario, and will relinquish their unique Mark ribbon to their assassinator if they are assassinated. Marks can only be killed once by the same assassin. Mark ribbons are not transferrable. So if an assassin carrying a mark ribbon dies, they do not lose their mark kill. They are required to turn it in immediately though.
Winner will be the assassin that has collected the most in mark bounties. Announced and awarded a prize at 9pm Saturday at the Concessions and Treachery stand.
A designated area will be setup as an open tournament. Participants may come and shoot the course at their leisure on Friday and Saturday while the course is open.
Bows and Blunted arrows will be on hand for use, though participants may choose to use their own Bows and (Amtgard legal or blunted arrows).
A scoring system will be visible on the course, and a person assigned to ensure safety and appropriate scoring is tracked.
Winner will be announced at court and the prize awarded.
Prize: A Turkish Horse Bow
Banner blanks being provided for free limit one per person while supplies last. Participants get to paint a banner of their design.
Some patterns and stencils for shapes will be on hand for use, participants may choose to bring their own stencils or patterns. Participants may work on their piece during either session.
This is a fundamentals class which will teach how to weave even-count and odd-count peyote stitch, brick stitch, and right-angle weaving.
The goal is to provide you with the skill to understand how to use those methods to weave, and how to increase or decrease the size of a row.
Purchase a beading kit for $15 prior to the event (See ticket section above) and join Dame Ellistrae for this workshop Limited to 10 participants.
Kit includes: Two different colors of beads, fireline beading thread, and a beading needle. As well as a color pamphlet with instructions on the things covered in the class
This workshop is being headed by Sir Diego and his squire Prince Regent Torq where materials will be provided to create a leather accessory for yourself that you can customize with the tools, dyes, and paints provided.
Get your questions answered and directions from these two experienced leather craftsmen. You won't want to miss out on this opportunity to walk away with a great item and some experience.
Gate opens
Assassin Tournament begins
Archery Tournament Opens
Pick Up Battle Game 1
Pick Up Battle Game 1
A&S Banner Workshop First Session opens
Master Monk challenge
A&S Leather Workshop First Session opens
Battlegame 1
Archery Tournament paused
Knighting of Lady Hopper
Bardic & Music
Bardic Tournament
Four Horsemen Tournament
12 Midnight
Survival Game
Althing @ Main Pavilion
Coffee & Breakfast Tacos 9am
Archery Tournament resumes
Silent Auction Begins
Beading Workshop @ Main Pavilion
Battlegame 2
A&S Leather Workshop Second Session opens
Battlegame 3
A&S Banner Workshop Second Session opens
Aprox 2pm-3pm
Knighting of Krix Mecades @ the Ditch
Battlegame 4
Knights of Battle Knightings
Circle of Knights Meeting @ Main Pavilion
Silent Auction Ends
Archery Tournament ends
Feast/Court @ Main Pavilion
Round Robin Tournament
Bardic & Music
Beer Pong
Assassins Tournament Ends
CKBoD Meeting
Leave site
Provided Meals
- Redeem at the Concession Stand during the weekend.
- Choice of: Hot Dog or Nachos & Cheese
- Choice of: Chips or Pickle
- Choice of: Tea or Lemonade
Saturday Breakfast
- Served at the Concession Stand
- Starting at 9am
- Breakfast Tacos
Saturday Feast
- Served at the Main Pavilion
- Starting at 5:30pm
- Pulled Pork Sandwich
- Coleslaw
- Potato Salad
Site Features
Children's Play Scapes. Children may play to their hearts content on the multiple play scapes and swing sets on site. Situated right near the Battle Field, Main Pavilion, and Concessions so parent can keep an eye on them while also having fun. Lit for night play.
Basketball Court. A regular size basketball court is near the Main Pavilion and has dedicated lighting.
Volleyball Courts. Several nets situated throughout the site for any pickup game you want to do. Most are lit for night play.
Horseshoe Courts. Many courts throughout the site where chucking some iron with friends can be an entertaining good time. Lit for night play.
Washer Court. How about a friendly game of washers? If this is your jam, there is a lit washer game court near the small pavilion and bardic circle.
Restrooms. Two sets of permanent restrooms are on site. One centrally located between the battlefield and bardic area and another located adjacent to the Main Pavilion and Concessions Stand. The restroom by the main pavilion is handicap accessible.
RV Hookups. See information below on reservations.
Electric Only Camp Sites. Limited electric sites can be reserved prior to the event. And will be first come first serve on remaining once gate opens. See the Site Map for the location of these sites. They are a little removed from the activities toward the middle of the island.
Fires and Cooking. Fires are allowed in the provided fire rings and bbq pits.
Showers. There are NO permanent showers on site, however 2 temporary cold water only showers will be setup for use.
Site Map

Electric Only Camp Sites
There are several reservable electric only campsites. You may note the numbering in the picture and select an available ticket above to reserve that location. These sites have four 100v single gang outlets.
Note these sites are farthest from the event activities.

Site Rules
- No Glass bottles, drink ware
- No infected COVID-19 participants
- No entering the water anywhere along the island, canal, upstream of Nolte Dam, or downstream of the substation (Powerhouse)
- No confetti
- No Carrying or Discharge of firearms (Exception certified security may carry)
- No Hunting, Trapping, Fishing
- No Boating or Swimming
- No going near the dam, canal generator or substation
- No going near the powerhouse, canal, and levees
- No Fire except as permitted in BBQ pit areas and fire ring located at Site 1
- No Four-wheelers, ATVs, or golf carts
- No sale of alcohol
- 1:00am Sunday morning quiet time
- Trash in barrels only
- Driving on grass areas for the purpose of parking only
- No driving on the levees
There is open camping for attendees throughout the entire island with the exception of the places listed in the site rules and the designated places listed on the site map where reserved spaces or activities are located.
You may drive and park at your camping location, however the speed limit of 10mph must be respected at all times. There are picnic tables throughout the site. If they are moved they must be moved back to their original location before leaving site on Sunday.
Additionally there are some electric only campsites by the large field that can be reserved but note they are a little farther away from the activities.
RV/Camper Reservation
The site has a limited 11 reservable RV/Camper slots which feature both Water and Electric hookup. Camper location is near the Main Pavilion, Battlefield, and Concessions. See location on Site Map.
Additionally there are some electric only campsites by the large field that can be reserved but note they are a little farther away from the activities.
Reservation may be purchased from the ticket section above.
Notes: Usable by reservation only. Slots are grouped together. There are no dump stations on site. No black/grey water runoff allowed.
Group Site Reservation
Group Site 1. Features a dedicated light, picnic table, electric, and water. Located near all of the action just east of the Bardic, Battlefield, Concessions, and Main Pavilion. Reserve this spot by purchasing it from the ticket section above.
Group Site 2. Farther from the action located under ample shade. Gives a little more privacy off the beaten path but not too far. Great for large self sufficient groups that want a lot of space. Reserve this spot by purchasing it from the ticket section above. This site is primitive without water or electric.
Vendor Information
Registration: Vendors may register to sell their goods during the event. Vendor fee is separate from the Event Fee and vendor may choose to not participate and only pay the Vendor Fee. If participating in the provided meals or activities outside of the designated vendor area, then an Event Fee needs to be paid. Registration can be purchased in the ticket section above.
Currently Registered Vendors:
Nearby Accommodations
Hotels. (Aprox 10 minutes from site)
Holiday Inn Express
2801 Jay Rd, Seguin, TX 78155
Hampton Inn
1130 Larkin Ave, Seguin, TX 78155
Days Inn
2950 N Hwy 123 Bypass, Seguin, TX 78155
Comfort Inn
3013 N Hwy 123 Bypass, Seguin, TX 78155
Grocery. (Aprox 5 minutes from site)
Walmart Super Center
550 N Hwy 123 Bypass, Seguin, TX 78155
1340 E Court St, Seguin, TX 78155
Twin Liquors
1471 E Court St, Seguin, TX 78155
La Michoacana
1459 E Court St, Seguin, TX 78155